Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Have you looked at yourself today?

Whoever said alls fair in love and war, obviously didn't know very much at all.
It's very easy to say, but when it comes down to it, everybody has double standards.
So, perhaps the quote should have been "Whatever do in love and war is fair."
Personally, I've never been that narrow minded.
When did it become acceptable to dictate what others can say? Yet most of us never look at ourselves.
Half the time we're doing exactly what we're complaining about.
freedom of speech is a god given right, so why is constantly ripped from under us?
Of course, I'm never the one who is able to have to double standards.
I'm continously the one who is being critcised and told what not to do, and frankly I've had enough.
So, my message for the day is; look at your self, for once.
Nobodies perfect, so that probably means you aren't either.

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